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Autofeeders 898 XYZ, 869 Compact Sample Changer, 862 Salt Compact Titrosampler, 862 Food/Beverage Compact Titrosampler, 862 Compact Titrosampler, 848 Titropackage plus are compact, easy-to-operate and accurate automatic sample changer systems.

Autosamplers 814 USB Sample Processor, 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor XL, 855 Robotic Titrosampler are flexible and modular titration automation systems for tasks requiring more than automatic sample change.

MATi automatic titration systems are ready-made kits for fully automatic potentiometric titration.

Semi-automatic titrators 865 Dosimat plus and 876 Dosimat plus provide high-precision dosing when performing manual titration.

Metrohm Catalog (Eng.)

All Metrohm products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Metrohm: titrators, pH meters, ionomers, sensors, electrodes, ion chromatographs, voltammetry, analyzers
  • Universal titrators Metrohm
    Universal titrators
    Titrando, Titrino, Ti-Touch, etc.
  • Titrators by K. Fischer Metrohm
    Titrators by K. Fischer
    Titrando, Polytron, MATi, etc.
  • Thermometric titrators Metrohm
    Thermometric titrators
    Titrotherm et al.
  • Accessories  Metrohm
    Holder, scTRACE, MME, etc.
  • Automatic titrators Metrohm
    Automatic titrators
    Titrosampler, Dosimat,MATi, etc.
  • Ionomers and pH meters Metrohm
    Ionomers and pH meters
    pH 780, 827, 867, 781, etc.
  • Sensors and electrodes Metrohm
    Sensors and electrodes
    iTrodes, Titrode, Optrode, etc.
  • Ion chromatographs Metrohm
    Ion chromatographs
    Professional, Advanced, etc.
  • Voltammeters Metrohm
    Professional CVS, Compact VA, etc.
  • Stability meters Metrohm
    Stability meters
    Rancimat, 895 Professional PVC, etc.

About Metrohm

Metrohm (Switzerland) is the largest manufacturer of high-precision equipment for laboratories and product quality control on industrial lines.

    Metrohm develops a wide range of products that covers all important methods of ion analysis: titrators, chromatographs, voltammeters, etc.
  • quality

    Highly qualified staff, production in Switzerland, constant development, search for new solutions to improve service and impeccable product quality.
  • application

    Petrochemical industry, food and pharmaceutical, agrochemistry, chemical, ecology, water analysis, polymer industry, etc.

Information Board Metrohm

Learn more about our products Metrohm.
  • Price list for products of the plant Metrohm
    Price list for products
  • Metrohm Catalog производства Metrohm
    Metrohm Catalog


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